Optimal Health
For All East Texans

The Northeast Texas Public Health District serves a vital function for the citizens of Smith County and Northeast Texas. The organization serves to prevent illness, promote health, and protect the community.

NET Health Departments

Community Wellness

Community Wellness

We connect uninsured women to receive free mammograms, help for persons with Type-2 Diabetes with free resources, and hosts free low-impact group exercise sessions.

Environmental Health

Environmental Health

Preventing disease & fostering a culture for healthy environments through education, collaboration, inspection & investigations.  Services include: Retail Food, Commercial Aquatic Facility & Licensed Care Facility Inspections & Investigations of unsanitary Public Nuisances. 

Immunizations & Tuberculosis Control

Immunizations & Tuberculosis Control

Low-cost vaccines for kids and adults from anywhere in East Texas, compliance assessments for school clinics, and vaccination clinics at businesses and community events

Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

The WIC program provides pregnant women, children under 5, and parents with children under 5 with nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and healthy food options.

NET Health Center for Healthy Living

NET Health Center for Healthy Living

The Center for Health Living provides educational resources for citizens with chronic health conditions and connects them with free and low-cost  primary medical care resources.

Vital Statistics

Vital Statistics

Our staff can assist individuals who were born outside of Smith County, process birth certificates for anyone born in the City of Tyler, process death certificates for immediate family members who died within the City of Tyler.

Emergency Preparedness & Disease Surveillance

Emergency Preparedness & Disease Surveillance

The Public Health Emergency Preparedness Department (PHEP) works with local agencies to prepare responses for disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and emergency situations.

Laboratory Services

Laboratory Services

The Northeast Texas Regional Laboratory provides medical testing for diseases to clinics and hospitals in over 37 counties. We also provide environmental laboratory tests for dairy samples and for municipal water.

Latest News

Learn about our upcoming community events, free services, new programs operated by NET Health and our community partners!

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Sign Up for the free S.T.E.A.R. Program

The free STEAR Program helps you, your family, and First Responders who may arrive to help you evacuate from an emergency situation.

"DOC" Ballard Award

The Northeast Texas Public Health District (NET Health) announces Dr. Margaret Reitmeyer as the 2024 W. T. “Doc” Ballard Award for Excellence in Public Health.

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Casting The NET

Podcast of the Northeast Texas Public Health District
George Roberts

Meet The CEO

George Roberts

It is my pleasure to add a personal welcome to the Northeast Texas Public Health District. Our health department is well-known for its compassionate delivery of services and its numerous public and private partnerships. We would like you to know more about our many and varied services.